If your stocks are short at present, then find the stocks you like and start chasing after them. Don't wait for them to rise too much before chasing them. That's almost the same as the stand guard in a bull market.If your stocks are short at present, then find the stocks you like and start chasing after them. Don't wait for them to rise too much before chasing them. That's almost the same as the stand guard in a bull market.Of course, if your stock is already in Man Cang, and you don't plan to increase your capital in the future, then it is right to reduce your position through a big surge.
Praise before reading, wealth is accompanied by friends, good morning.This is strange. After a round of bull market, the gains are like a rainbow. Why do many people's incomes not double? Or is there a 70% loss?
Friends of short positions and light positions should act early if they want to work. Don't hesitate to think about it and endure it. In the end, they can't help but rush in, and the chips are much higher.If you are short of stocks at present, you should also look for opportunities to chase after the high position and increase the position quickly. As for how much to add positions, it depends on the size of your funds.